MaryAnne Metheny named Club Champion 2013
Mary Anne joined the club in 1998 and lives and breathes “Service Above Self” each day in both Rotary and her life in community service. As CEO at Hope House a shelter for women and children victims of domestic violence, Mary Anne has seen the worst and best in people. She is a constant organizer behind the scenes and is a leader, “she can get it done. ’’If there is a Rotary volunteer project she is there. If the project includes Rotary family, she makes sure they are there to learn and help. Volunteering is part of her life and she is one of the best contributors to Blue Springs Rotary. Mary Anne has served on the Board, is the current Community Service Chair, and will be President Elect in 2013-2014.
Mary Anne will reseive this award at the District 6040 Conference in April at Adams Points Conference Center. Congratulations