Rotarian Ron Wilds presents the "Green Glove" to RI Director Larry Lunsford.
Blue Springs Rotarian Dr. Ron Wilds surprised current Rotary International Director Larry Lunsford with a hand sculpture fitted with a green surgical glove at Rotary District's annual Conference held at the Airport Embassy Suites on Saturday November 9, 2013. This glove is the exact glove Director Larry had worn many years ago to place a pair of shoes on the feet of a Russian orphan named Victor, and this memory held a very significant place in Larry's heart.
The presentation took place at the final session of our District Conference and Director Lunsford was very moved by the presentation as he told the story of the glove.
Attending the District Conference and Rotary Foundation Dinner, were Immediate Past District Governor Kenny Harris and wife Donna, Assistant Governors Bob Hagedorn and Ron Wilds, Past President Bill Cosgrove and Rotarian Debbie, current club President Jim Finley, President Elect MaryAnne Methany, Rotarians Jay Dorst and Penny Donnelly.
The hand sculpture was completed by E. Spencer Schubert, whose subjects include longtime Kansas State football coach Bill Snyder.