Welcome to the Blue Springs Rotary Club.
The Blue Springs Rotary Club is an International Service Organization comprised of local community leaders, business men and women from all vocations. Our core values are Service, Fellowship, Diversity, Integrity and Leadership. We recognize and value the worthiness of all useful occupations.
The Club has approximately 80 friendly, active members who meet at 12:00 Noon each Wednesday at the Adams Dairy Golf Course Clubhouse, 1601 NE R.D Mize Rd in Blue Springs, Missouri, 64014. The Blue Springs Rotary Club has consistently received the Rotary "Presidential Citation" Award, which is awarded to clubs who meet and exceed the requirements set by the sitting Rotary International President. These requirements involve active participation in Rotary's 5 Avenues of Service: Vocational Service, Club Service, Community Service, International Service and New Generations Service.
The Blue Springs Rotary Club is 1 of 56 Rotary Clubs in Rotary District 6040, which covers all of northern Missouri. Worldwide, there are over 34,000 clubs in 532 Districts in 200 countries with approximately 1.2 million members. All of these clubs are devoted to helping the less fortunate, feeding the hungry, healing the sick and infirm.
Membership is by invitation to any citizen who loves to laugh, have fun and socialize all in the spirit of service to others.
Visitors are always welcome. Email Membership Chairman Christina Brown ([email protected]) for more information.